Results for 'Julius L. Löwenstein'

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  1. Vision und Wirklichkeit.Julius L. Löwenstein - 1973 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 27 (3):464-467.
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    Review of Mark Christian Thompson: Phenomenal Blackness: Black Power, Philosophy, and Theory[REVIEW]Julius L. Jones - 2023 - Critical Inquiry 50 (1):187-189.
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    Franz Rosenzyveig.Julius Izhak Loewenstein - 1965 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 17 (1):20-43.
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    Workings of the will.Julius Kuhl & Sander L. Koole - 2004 - In Jeff Greenberg, Sander Leon Koole & Thomas A. Pyszczynski (eds.), Handbook of Experimental Existential Psychology. Guilford Press. pp. 411--430.
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    Failure to discount for conflict of interest when evaluating medical literature: a randomised trial of physicians.G. K. Silverman, G. F. Loewenstein, B. L. Anderson, P. A. Ubel, S. Zinberg & J. Schulkin - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (5):265-270.
    Context Physicians are regularly confronted with research that is funded or presented by industry. Objective To assess whether physicians discount for conflicts of interest when weighing evidence for prescribing a new drug. Design and setting Participants were presented with an abstract from a single clinical trial finding positive results for a fictitious new drug. Physicians were randomly assigned one version of a hypothetical scenario, which varied on conflict of interest: ‘presenter conflict’, ‘researcher conflict’ and ‘no conflict’. Participants 515 randomly selected (...)
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    ha-Pilosofiyah shel ha-Yahadut.Julius Guttmann, Y. L. Barukh & Zevi Woyslawski - 1951 - [Jerusalem,: Mosad Byalik.
  7.  19
    An ethics of anthropology‐informed community engagement with COVID‐19 clinical trials in Africa.Sarah J. L. Edwards, Blessing Silaigwana, Danny Asogun, Julius Mugwagwa, Francine Ntoumi, Rashid Ansumana, Kevin Bardosh & Jennyfer Ambe - 2023 - Developing World Bioethics 23 (3):242-251.
    The COVID‐19 pandemic has reinforced the critical role of ethics and community engagement in designing and conducting clinical research during infectious disease outbreaks where no vaccine or treatment already exists. In reviewing current practices across Africa, we distinguish between three distinct roles for community engagement in clinical research that are often conflated: 1) the importance of community engagement for identifying and honouring cultural sensitivities; 2) the importance of recognising the socio‐political context in which the research is proposed; and 3) the (...)
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    Set, stress, and efficiency of semantic generalization.August L. Peastrel, Julius Wishner & Burt E. Kaplan - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 77 (1):116.
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    L'individuo e il divenire del mondo.Julius Evola - 1976 - Carmagnola: Arthos.
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    Time and Decision: Economic and Psychological Perspectives on Intertemporal Choice.George Loewenstein, Daniel Read & Roy F. Baumeister (eds.) - 2003 - Russell Sage Foundation.
    Introduction George Loewenstein, Daniel Read, and Roy F. Baumeister P _L sychology and economics have a classic love-hate relationship. ...
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    Le Yoga tantrique, sa métaphysique, ses pratiques.Julius Evola - 1971 - Paris,: Fayard.
    "L'orientaliste Julius Evola explique la vision du monde sous-jacent au yoga tantrique et ses fondements métaphysiques mais aussi les différentes pratiques et techniques qui lui sont propres.
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    Book Review Section 3. [REVIEW]Richard L. Hopkins, Joseph Powell, Gerald Grace, George Willis, Meyer Weinberg, Julius Menacker, Jenny Ozga & Joseph M. Stetar - 1986 - Educational Studies 17 (3):417-457.
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    The Legacy of Ibo Landing: Gullah Roots of African-American Culture by L. Marquetta Goodwine, Editor.Julius A. Amin - 2003 - Philosophia Africana 6 (2):103-104.
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    Défense de l' « aufklärung ».Julius Kraft - 1936 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 43 (3):385 - 401.
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  15. Das Grundgesetz alles neuro-psychischen Lebens.Julius Pikler - 1900 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 50:412-414.
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  16. (1 other version)Theorie der Empfindungsaqualität als Abbildes des Reizes.Julius Pikler - 1923 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 96 (2):147-147.
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    Ueber den Begriff der Wahrheit und das Grundlagenproblem der Erkenntnis.Julius Kraft - 1937 - Travaux du IXe Congrès International de Philosophie 4:208-214.
    L’état présent de la philosophie est la contre-partie vivante de la recherche cartésienne de la vérité : la philosophie actuelle cherche а éliminer la notion de vérité. Afin d’éviter ce scepticisme, on déteгmine d’abord la notion de vérité d’après la formule classique : adaequatio rei et intellectus. Puis on introduit le probleme des fondements de la connaissanec en distinguant la notion de vérité et le critère de la vérité, en montrant que la confusion entre les deux amène à la mystique (...)
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    Nature, Truth, and Value: Exploring the Thinking of Frederick Ferrz.George Allan, Merle Allshouse, Harley Chapman, John B. Cobb, John Compton, Donald A. Crosby, Paul T. Durbin, Barbara Meister Ferré, Frederick Ferré, Frank B. Golley, Joseph Grange, John Granrose, David Ray Griffin, David Keller, Eugene Thomas Long, Elisabethe Segars McRae, Leslie A. Muray, William L. Power, James F. Salmon, Hans Julius Schneider, Dr Kristin Shrader-Frechette, Udo E. Simonis, Donald Wayne Viney & Clark Wolf (eds.) - 2005 - Lexington Books.
    In this thorough compendium, nineteen accomplished scholars explore, in some manner the values they find inherent in the world, their nature, and revelence through the thought of Frederick FerrZ. These essays, informed by the insights of FerrZ and coming from manifold perspectives—ethics, philosophy, theology, and environmental studies, advance an ambitious challenge to current intellectual and scholarly fashions.
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    Der Gebrauch des Prinzipes « cogito ergo sum » in der Descartes’schen Philosophie.Julius Ebbinghaus - 1937 - Travaux du IXe Congrès International de Philosophie 1:99-104.
    On montre comment, dans le Cogito ergo sum, l’idée de mon existence, en tant que je pense, est liée à l’idée de mon existence en tant qu'être pensant. Ainsi se fait voir la compatibilité du caractère originaire de cette connaissance d’une existence avec la prééminence de la proposition universelle : pour pouvoir penser, il faut exister. De la recherche sur le rapport du cogito ergo sum avec le principe de clarté et de distinction il résulte que le cercle reproché à (...)
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  20. Gesammelte Schriften, « Band 2 : Philosophie der Freiheit ».Julius Ebbinghaus - 1989 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 179 (1):135-136.
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  21. Gesammelte Schriften, Band 1 : Sittlichkeit und Recht.Julius Ebbinghaus - 1987 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 177 (4):550-551.
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    Studien zu Muḥammad Ibn Umail al-Tamīmī's Kitāb al-Mā' al-Waraqī wa'l-Arḍ an-Najmīyah.Julius Ruska - 1936 - Isis 24 (2):310-342.
  23. Sergio Tognetti, Il banco Cambini: Affari e mercati di una compagnia mercantile-bancaria nella Firenze del XV secolo. Foreword by Bruno Dini.(Biblioteca Storica Toscana, 1/37.) Florence: Leo S. Olschki, 1999. Paper. Pp. ix, 398; tables. L 74,000. [REVIEW]Julius Kirshner - 2001 - Speculum 76 (3):805-807.
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    Correspondence.Warner Fite, G. C. Field, James Feibleman, Julius W. Friend & L. Susan Stebbing - 1935 - Philosophy 10 (38):252 - 254.
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    Not the Master of Your Volitional Mind? The Roles of the Right Medial Prefrontal Cortex and Personality Traits in Unconscious Introjections Versus Self-Chosen Goals.Markus Quirin, André Kerber, Ekkehard Küstermann, Elise L. Radtke, Miguel Kazén, Carsten Konrad, Nicola Baumann, Richard M. Ryan, Michael Ennis & Julius Kuhl - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Humans are unconditionally confronted with social expectations and norms, up to a degree that they, or some of them, have a hard time recognizing what they actually want. This renders them susceptible for introjection, that is, to unwittingly or “unconsciously” mistake social expectations for self-chosen goals. Such introjections compromise an individual’s autonomy and mental health and have been shown to be more prevalent in individuals with rumination tendencies and low emotional self-awareness. In this brain imaging study, we draw on a (...)
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    La logique et l'empirisme intégral. [REVIEW]Julius Rudolph Weinberg - 1939 - Philosophical Review 48 (1):84-85.
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    Moral Rights and the Ethics of Nursing.Julius Sim - 1995 - Nursing Ethics 2 (1):31-40.
    This paper explores the nature of rights, and their implications for the ethics of nursing. A right is seen as an entitlement which is justified on moral and/or legal grounds, and which may take the form of a right of action or a right of recipience, or both; in either case, correlative duties are generally imposed on others. Some of the conflicts which can occur among two or more conflicting rights are examined through three hypothetical scenarios, and approaches to their (...)
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    Die grundprobleme der logik.Julius Bergmann - 1895 - Berlin,: E. S. Mittler und sohn.
    Die Grundprobleme der Logik ist ein unveränderter, hochwertiger Nachdruck der Originalausgabe aus dem Jahr 1895. Hansebooks ist Herausgeber von Literatur zu unterschiedlichen Themengebieten wie Forschung und Wissenschaft, Reisen und Expeditionen, Kochen und Ernährung, Medizin und weiteren Genres.Der Schwerpunkt des Verlages liegt auf dem Erhalt historischer Literatur.Viele Werke historischer Schriftsteller und Wissenschaftler sind heute nur noch als Antiquitäten erhältlich. Hansebooks verlegt diese Bücher neu und trägt damit zum Erhalt selten gewordener Literatur und historischem Wissen auch für die Zukunft bei.
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  29. Kants Gottesbegriff in seiner positiven Entwicklung.Julius Guttmann - 1907 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 64:335-336.
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  30. Ueber die biologische Funktion des Bewusstseins. Estratto dalla Rivista di Scienza, vol. V.Julius Pickler - 1911 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 72:107-107.
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    Emergent man; his chances, problems and potentials.Julius Stulman - 1973 - New York,: Gordon & Breach. Edited by Ervin Laszlo.
    Maslow, A. A. Towards a humanistic biology.--Murphy, G. The inside and the outside of creativity.--Stacy, D. L. Art and human creativity.--Parnes, S. J. Creative potential and the educational experiment.--Laszlo, E. "Reverence for natural systems."--McInnis, N. Gestalt ecology.--Harman, W. H. Alternate futures and habitability.--Smith, R. A. Synergistic organizations.--Reiser, O. L. The cosmic lens, the galactic disc, and the archetypal holograms.--Smith, R. A. "Unibutz."--Stulman, J. Beyond crisis.
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    Il morso della serpe: limiti, errori e deviazioni nell'opera di Julius Evola.L. M. A. Viola - 2019 - Forlì: Victrix.
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    Julius Rudolph Weinberg 1908-1971.Emmett L. Bennett, W. H. Hay, M. G. Singer, Friedrich Solmsen & Keith Yandell - 1970 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 44:226 - 228.
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  34. Forms and dialectic in the second half of the 'Parmenides'.Julius M. Moravcsik - 1981 - In M. Nussbaum & M. Schofield (eds.), Language and Logos: Studies in Ancient Greek Philosophy Presented to G. E. L. Owen. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 135--153.
  35. Psychologie der axiome.Julius Schultz - 1900 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 49:536-540.
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    Friedrich Julius Stahl.Wilhelm Füßl - 2002 - In Bernd Heidenreich (ed.), Politische Theorien des 19. Jahrhunderts. Akademie Verlag. pp. 179-192.
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    Nature, Truth, and Value: Exploring the Thinking of Frederick Ferrz.George Allan, Merle Allshouse, Harley Chapman, John B. Cobb, John Compton, Donald A. Crosby, Paul T. Durbin, Barbara Meister Ferré, Frederick Ferré, Frank B. Golley, Joseph Grange, John Granrose, David Ray Griffin, David Keller, Eugene Thomas Long, Elisabethe Segars McRae, Leslie A. Muray, William L. Power, James F. Salmon, Hans Julius Schneider, Kristin Shrader-Frechette, Udo E. Simonis, Donald Wayne Viney & Clark Wolf (eds.) - 2005 - Lexington Books.
    In this thorough compendium, nineteen accomplished scholars explore, in some manner the values they find inherent in the world, their nature, and revelence through the thought of Frederick Ferré. These essays, informed by the insights of Ferré and coming from manifold perspectives—ethics, philosophy, theology, and environmental studies, advance an ambitious challenge to current intellectual and scholarly fashions.
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    Steinbeck: A Collection of Critical EssaysDocuments of 20th-Century ArtApollinaire on ArtArt of the Ancient World17th and 18th Century ArtWinckelmann Writings on ArtArt as Therapy with Children. [REVIEW]Marc Bornstein, Robert M. Davis, M. Jean, L. C. Breunig, H. A. Groenewegen-Frankfort, B. Ashmole, Julius S. Held, Donald Posner, David Irwing & Edith Kramer - 1972 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 31 (1):135.
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    (1 other version)The Nature of religious experience.Eugene Garrett Bewkes, Julius Seelye Bixler & Douglas Clyde Macintosh (eds.) - 1937 - London,: Harper & Brothers.
    Common sense realism, by E. G. Bewkes.--Theology and religious experience, by Vergilius Ferm.--A reasoned faith, by G. F. Thomas.--Can religion become empirical? By J. S. Bixler.--Value theory and theology, by H. R. Niebuhr.--The truth in myths, by Reinhold Niebuhr.--Is subjectivism in value theory compatible with realism and meliorism? By Cornelius Krusé.--The semi-detached knower: a note on radical empiricism, by R. L. Calhoun.--The new scientific and metaphysical basis for epistemological theory, by F. S. C. Northrop.--A psychological approach to reality, by Hugh (...)
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    Antropologia e dialettica nella filosofia di Platone.Livio Sichirollo, Julius Stenzel & Alexandre Kojève - 1957 - Veronelli.
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    Die Bevölkerung der griechisch-römischen Welt. Von Dr. Julius Beloch. (Leipzig, 1886, pp. 520). 11 Mk.L. Whibley - 1887 - The Classical Review 1 (5-6):164-165.
  42. Spinoza's Erkenntnisslehre in ihrer Beziehung zur modernen Philosophie. La théorie de la connaissance chez Spinoza dans son rapport avec la philosophie et la science de la nature.Martin Berendt & Julius Friedländer - 1897 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 44:320-323.
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    Virgil's Fifth Eclogue: A Defence of the Julius Caesar-Daphnis Theory.D. L. Drew - 1922 - Classical Quarterly 16 (2):57-64.
    The identification of Daphnis with Julius Caesar, supported in most detail by Servius of the ancient commentators, has in general been either casually accepted or arbitrarily rejected by modern criticism without serious effort to ascertain how far the probabilities point one way or the other.
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    The law in quest of itself: being a series of three lectures provided by the Julius Rosenthal Foundation for General Law, and delivered at the Law School of Northwestern University at Chicago in April, 1940.Lon L. Fuller - 1978 - New York: AMS Press.
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    Plato: A Collection of Critical Essays. [REVIEW]S. L. - 1972 - Review of Metaphysics 25 (3):572-574.
    Modern Studies in Philosophy, we are informed on the page facing the title-page, "is a series of anthologies presenting contemporary interpretations and evaluations of the works of major philosophers." The volumes are "intended to be contributions to contemporary debates as well as to the history of philosophy; they not only trace the origins of many problems important to modern philosophy, but also introduce major philosophers as interlocutors in current discussions." In the first of the two volumes on Plato three of (...)
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  46. Julius Evola e la sua eredità culturale: atti del convegno "L'eredità di Julius Evola," Sala Alessandrina dell'Accademia dell'arte medica, Roma, 29 novembre 2014.Gianfranco De Turris (ed.) - 2017 - Roma: Edizioni mediterranee.
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    Julius Evola (anti)fascista negli anni Trenta: l'esperienza de "Il Saggiatore" (1931-1932).Guido Andrea Pautasso - 2022 - Milano: Ritter.
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    Book Review:Legal System and Lawyers' Reasonings. Julius Stone. [REVIEW]R. L. Stone - 1968 - Ethics 78 (4):322-.
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    Provare l'Io: Julius Evola e la filosofia.Michele Ricciotti - 2020 - Roma: InSchibboleth.
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    Julius Evola: un pensiero per l'età oscura.Fernando Massimo Adonia - 2014 - [Acireale]: Tipheret.
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